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George Brogan

Top 10 British Invasion Bands/Artists

55 3
Suggested by George Brogan

The Beatles

39 6

Top 10 British Invasion Bands/Artists

Play Trivia Top 10 British Invasion Bands/Artists
Suggested by George Brogan

The Who

30 4
Suggested by George Brogan

The Rolling Stones

27 8
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom

David Bowie

20 5
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom

Led Zeppelin

19 5
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom


21 7
Suggested by Curt Wild

The Kinks

19 6
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom

Pink Floyd

18 5
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom

Elton John

15 7
Suggested by Emily Carlstrom

The Police

10 3

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