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Top 10 Characters who wear Trench Coats

3 2
Suggested by agelbach

Neo - The Matrix

4 0

Top 10 Characters who wear Trench Coats

Play Trivia Top 10 Characters who wear Trench Coats
Suggested by agelbach

Connor MacLeod - Highlander

2 0
Suggested by Mo_Khan88

Dante - Devil May Cry Series

3 1
Suggested by agelbach

Strangers - Dark city

1 0
Suggested by agelbach

Inspector Gadget

1 0
Suggested by ErieCliff

Lietenant Columbo - Columbo

1 0
Suggested by Zack Dow

Castiel - Supernatural

1 0
Suggested by agelbach

Frank Castle - the Punisher

1 1
Suggested by agelbach

Major Arnold Toht - Raiders of the Lost Ark

0 0
Suggested by agelbach

Eric Draven - The Crow

1 1

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