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Thomas Bates
Thomas Bates

Top 10 Christmas Episodes of Superhero TV Shows

3 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Comfort and Joy - Justice League

2 0

Top 10 Christmas Episodes of Superhero TV Shows

Play Trivia Top 10 Christmas Episodes of Superhero TV Shows
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Christmas with the Joker - Batman: The Animated Series

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Holiday Knights - The New Batman Adventures

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Frozen Out - Static Shock

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Every Episode - Hawkeye (2021)

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Year's End - Arrow

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Three Ghosts - Arrow

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

The Climb - Arrow

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

The Man in the Yellow Suit - The Flash

1 0
Thomas Bates
Suggested by Thomas Bates

Lexmas - Smallville

1 0

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