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Top 10 Daniel Day Lewis Perfomances

22 5
Suggested by Andres Rodriguez Oliva

Daniel Plainview - There Willl Be Blood

19 0

Top 10 Daniel Day Lewis Perfomances

Play Trivia Top 10 Daniel Day Lewis Perfomances
Suggested by cmdharris

Bill Cutting

13 0
Tristan Hartup
Suggested by Tristan Hartup

Abraham Lincoln - Lincoln

12 0
Suggested by cmdharris

Christy Brown

10 1
Suggested by Basel Garawani

#In The Name of The Father

6 0
Suggested by cmdharris

John Procter

5 1
Suggested by Fergus Jeffs

Hawkeye (Nathaniel Poe)

5 1
Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

4 0
Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

The Age of Innocence

3 0
Suggested by Karma

Christy Brown - My Left Foot

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