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Daniel Fong
Daniel Fong

Top 10 Despised Americans

9 3
Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Donald Trump

5 0

Top 10 Despised Americans

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Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Bill O'Reilly

4 0
Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Bob Beckel

2 0
Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Rush Limbaugh

3 1
Suggested by Daniel Elliott

Fred Phelps

2 0
Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Sean Hannity

1 1
Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Michael Savage

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Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Greg Gutfield

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Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

Glenn Beck

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Daniel Fong
Suggested by Daniel Fong

OJ Simpson

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