"The Dollar Vote" does not intelligently distribute wealth in respect to priority.
Patrick Noll
9 years ago Report
The most obvious symptom of this is the difference in pay that an entertainer or sports figure recieves as opposed to a teacher, pilot or nurse. There is no question who has the more important role and what jobs should be given priority, but the "Dollar Vote" favors the flashy job that benifits people's leisure time interests.
Top 10 Disadvantages to Capitalism
Suggested by
Patrick Noll
The system is easily manipulated.
Suggested by
Patrick Noll
The "Money Market", or jobs making money just by moving money
Patrick Noll
9 years ago Report
There are actually algorithms that mathmaticians have formulated where litterally no money is ever spent, just moved around in such a way that it accumulates. Imagine what these minds would be accomplishing if there was incentive for them to focus on scientific advancement or the humanities.
Suggested by
Patrick Noll
Currency is inherently built to devalue.
Patrick Noll
9 years ago Report
Reference the American dollar today as opposed to 50 years ago. Every once in a while we decide to put more physucal money out, essentially devaluing the money on a whole. And that is just the simplest aspect to this flaw.