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Patricia Mejia
Patricia Mejia

Top 10 Doomed TV Couples

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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Tyrion Lannister and Shae (Game of Thrones)

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Patricia Mejia
Patricia Mejia 9 years ago Report
Tyrion had a loving relationship with Shae. But with Shae being a whore and with Tyrion being...well...a Lannister, who really saw this working out well? Also, if Tyrion being married to a whore didn't work the first time? How would this one be different? Sure enough, it did not end well.
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Top 10 Doomed TV Couples

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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Joey Tribbiani and Rachel Green (Friends)

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Patricia Mejia
Patricia Mejia 9 years ago Report
Joey and Rachel fell in love later on in the series, but this caused friction since Rachel was already part of another famous coupling with Ross.
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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Lori Grimes and Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)

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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Clark Kent and Lana Lang (Smallville)

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Patricia Mejia
Patricia Mejia 9 years ago Report
In the Superman franchise, Clark was always meant for Lois Lane, so it was only a matter of time when Lana and Clark were going to split.
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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Robb Stark and Talisa Maegyr (Game of Thrones)

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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Susan Mayer and Mike Delfino (Desperate Housewives)

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Patricia Mejia
Suggested by Patricia Mejia

Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister (Game of Thrones)

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Suggested by sen_treehugger

Buffy and Angel

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