Storm Worm =The innovation here was in the thought that went into the usage of current events to lure its victims (social engineering).
Top 10 FAMOUS Computer Virus ( by FAME not by potential damage )
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
Melissa - (1999) The Melissa virus is notable because it is a Word macro virus. It cleverly spread via e-mails sent to contacts from the infected users' address books.
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
SQL Slammer - (2003) This tiny virus infected servers running Microsoft's SQL Server Desktop Engine, and was very fast to spread.
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
MyDoom – This worm became active in 2004 and was an attempt by email spammers to send junk emails (spam) through its victims.
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
Klez – This virus originates in 2001 and is a variation of a fairly common theme. It spreads via email however it took advantage of Microsoft Outlook's Trident layout engine and default HTML view
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
Blaster - (2003) Blaster exploited a Windows operating system vulnerability and let users know of its presence with a system shutdown warning.
Suggested by
Crissa De Guzman
I LOVE YOU VIRUS: Not the most destructive virus but the most famous virus to grace the earth up to this date for it has tapped into a universal need: the desire to be loved.