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Top 10 Facts About King Alfred The Great

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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

October 26th is King Alfred's Day.

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MattanzaMafiaFedora 7 years ago Report
Alfred died on October 26th and in honour of this day places in England, most notably, Alfred's historic capital of Winchester in Hampshire and his birthplace of Wantage, people celebrate his lifetime achievements and what he'd achieved for his country.
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Top 10 Facts About King Alfred The Great

Play Trivia Top 10 Facts About King Alfred The Great
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He made Winchester City the original English Capital.

39 0
MattanzaMafiaFedora 7 years ago Report
It wasn't until 1068 when William Conqueror had resided in England for 2 years did London become the capital of modern day England. Prior to that, Alfred had made his seat in the centre of Hampshire, where modern day Winchester was constructed from the town Caerwenta or Venta Belgarum.
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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He's the only King to be called "The Great."

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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He encouraged to teach his people in his native language, thus advancing the English language.

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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He was a devout Christian.

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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He opposed the death penalty.

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MattanzaMafiaFedora 7 years ago Report
He gave them the ultimatum of live in his new Kingdom under his laws, or live in exile.
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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He was born in Wantage.

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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He burnt cakes.

37 1
MattanzaMafiaFedora 7 years ago Report
However, preoccupied with the state of his Kingdom's future whilst Wessex resisted The Danelaw, he allowed them to burn and was scolded for it by his magnificent host.
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Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He founded England's Navy.

37 1
Suggested by MattanzaMafiaFedora

He was England's first King.

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