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John Bjork Capian

Top 10 Facts about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

His death has been mythologized

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Top 10 Facts about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Play Trivia Top 10 Facts about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Suggested by John Bjork Capian

He created compositions in the age of 5

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

He's dirty-minded, a little bit

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

There's a myth that he's been sent a Death Mask

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

He has 6 children, but only 2 survived infancy

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

He fell during the premiere of "The Magic Flute"

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

Some said that fellow composer Antonio Salieri was his murderer

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

He was buried horribly

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

His death was Salieri's plan

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Suggested by John Bjork Capian

When his sickness came before his death, he realized that he was composing the Requiem for his own funeral

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