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Ethan Monma

Top 10 Famous News Headlines

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Assassin Kills Kennedy: Lyndon Johnson Sworn In (Chicago Tribune: November 22, 1963)

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Top 10 Famous News Headlines

Play Trivia Top 10 Famous News Headlines
Suggested by Ethan Monma

War on America (The Daily Telegraph: September 12,2001)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Martin King Shot to Death: Gunned Down in Memphis (Daily News: April 5, 1968)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Nixon Resigns (The New York Times: August 9, 1974)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

VE Day- It's All Over (Daily Mail: May 8, 1945)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

The First Footstep (Evening Standard: July 21, 1969)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Dewey Defeats Truman (Chicago Daily Tribune: November 3, 1948)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Titanic Sinks Four Hours After Hitting Iceberg (The New York Times: April 16, 1912)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Greatest Crash in Wall Street's History (Daily Mail: October 25, 1929)

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Suggested by Ethan Monma

Diana Dead (The Daily News: August 31, 1997)

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