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Sleep Stranger

Top 10 Famous and Notable People Born in Iowa

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Suggested by Sleep Stranger

Johnny Carson, talk show host/comedian - best loved host of the Tonight Show

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Top 10 Famous and Notable People Born in Iowa

Play Trivia Top 10 Famous and Notable People Born in Iowa
Suggested by Sleep Stranger

Lee De Forest, scientist/inventor - had over 180 patents, made advances in radio technology, helped put sound to film and helped further develop and engineer vacuum tubes

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Suggested by Sleep Stranger

Wallace H. Carothers, scientist/chemist/inventor - led the creative team that created nylon, neoprene and polyester fibre

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Suggested by Sleep Stranger

Ray Townsend, inventor - created the "Frank-a-matic" which revolutionized the meat packing industry

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Suggested by Sleep Stranger

John Wayne, actor/director/producer - popular entertainer

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Suggested by Sleep Stranger

Grant Wood, painter - painted the famous "American Gothic" among other works

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