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Nick Roffey
Nick Roffey

Top 10 Far Out Science-Fiction Ideas That Became Reality

21 2
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Moon landing (Jules Verne)

9 0

Top 10 Far Out Science-Fiction Ideas That Became Reality

Play Trivia Top 10 Far Out Science-Fiction Ideas That Became Reality
Suggested by bobbylashley18

Submarine (Jules Verne)

8 0
Jacob Koopmann
Suggested by Jacob Koopmann

Video Chat (Back To The Future Part II(

8 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Debit Cards (Edward Bellamy)

7 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Augmented Reality (Star Trek)

7 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Air Touch (Minority Report)

6 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Robotic Vacuum (Roomba)

6 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Power Armour (Iron Man)

5 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Antidepressants (Aldous Huxley)

5 0
Nick Roffey
Suggested by Nick Roffey

Surveillance State (Orwell)

6 1

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