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Top 10 Flamboyant Movie Characters

38 5
Suggested by Director22

The Joker - The Batman franchise

24 2

Top 10 Flamboyant Movie Characters

Play Trivia Top 10 Flamboyant Movie Characters
Suggested by MikeyP

Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmations

25 4
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH

Loki - The Avengers

22 2
Suggested by MikeyP

Willy Wonka - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

22 3
Suggested by zendaddy621

Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

18 1
Suggested by MikeyP

Ruby Rhod - The Fifth Element

19 4
Suggested by MikeyP

Mugatu - Zoolander

18 3
Suggested by zendaddy621

Austin Powers

17 2
Suggested by MikeyP

Frank-N-Furter - The Rocky Horror Picture Show

15 2
Suggested by zendaddy621


17 4

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