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Top 10 Greatest Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Villains

19 1
Suggested by tcannon700b

Fuhrer King Bradley/Wrath the Furious

17 2

Top 10 Greatest Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Villains

Play Trivia Top 10 Greatest Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Villains
Suggested by tcannon700b

Solf J. Kimblee: aka "The Crimson Alchemist"

13 3
Suggested by tcannon700b

Greed the Avaricious

10 1
Suggested by tcannon700b


9 3
Suggested by tcannon700b

Selim Bradley/Pride the Arrogant

9 5
Suggested by tcannon700b

Envy the Jealous

8 4
Suggested by tcannon700b

Barry the Chopper: aka #66

5 2
Suggested by tcannon700b

Father or The Dwarf in the Flask

7 4
Suggested by tcannon700b


5 4
Suggested by tcannon700b

Shou Tucker: aka "The Sewing-Life Alchemist"

2 7

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