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Top 10 Guitar Heroes

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Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Johnny FountainS

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Top 10 Guitar Heroes

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Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Jeff Young

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Dave Mustaine

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Marty Friedman

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Chris Poland

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Jason Becker

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Vinnie Moore

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Sarah Spisak

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Jacqueline Mannering

1 0
Johnny Fountains
Suggested by Johnny Fountains

Michael Angelo Batio

1 0

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