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Ostin Power

Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Casts

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Gary Oldman (Sirius Black)

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Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Casts

Play Trivia Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Casts
Suggested by Ostin Power

Alan Rickman (Severus Rogue)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Imelda Staunton (Dolores Umbridge)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

David Bradly (Argus Filch)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Maggie Smith (Professor McGonagall)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Kenneth Brannagh (Gilderoy Lockhart)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy)

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Suggested by Ostin Power

Richard Harris (Dumbledore)

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