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Lionel Gilmore
Lionel Gilmore

Top 10 Horror Quotes

4 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

Movies Don't Created Pyschos, Movies Created Pyschos - Scream

3 0

Top 10 Horror Quotes

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Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

We're Gonna Get You - The Evil Dead

3 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

Have You Check The Children - When a Stranger Calls

3 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes - Pyscho

3 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

Here's Johnny - The Shining

3 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

The Blackest Eyes, The Devil's Eyes - Halloween (1978)

2 0
Lionel Gilmore
Suggested by Lionel Gilmore

Hi I'm Chucky, Wanna Play - Child's Play

2 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH

"Be afraid. be very afraid" - The Fly

2 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH

"Game over" - Saw

2 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH

"They're coming to get you Barbara" - Night of the Living Dead

2 0

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