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Antonio Lorusso

Top 10 Interesting Facts about Neptune

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune is the most distant planet

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Top 10 Interesting Facts about Neptune

Play Trivia Top 10 Interesting Facts about Neptune
Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune is the smallest of the gas giants

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune's surface gravity is almost Earth-like

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

The discovery of Neptune is still a controversy

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune has the strongest winds in the Solar System

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune is the coldest planet in the Solar System

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune has rings

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune probably captured its largest moon, Triton

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

Neptune has only been visited once up close

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Suggested by Antonio Lorusso

There are no plans to visit Neptune again

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