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Top 10 LOST characters

69 1
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

John Locke

37 5
Aseel Salem 8 years ago Report
Everyone was panicking and hated the island except Locke who instantly loved the Island and knew it was a special place when it made him walk after being paralyzed for 4 years!
0 0

Top 10 LOST characters

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Suggested by BDWJ1986


32 2
magicfox55 9 years ago Report
you gotta have sawyer as number 1, he is the coolest character
0 0
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Benjamin Linus

35 8
JokerLaugh214 9 years ago Report
I still like when he apologizes for killing Jacob and explains about how he let Alex die.
1 0
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Desmond Hume

31 4
Pablo Adrian Lepera
Pablo Adrian Lepera 3 years ago Report
See you in another life brotha
0 0
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Hugo 'Hurley' Reyes

29 4
Suggested by BDWJ1986


25 3
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Charlie Pace

26 7
PotatoGalaxy 9 years ago Report
Made one of the biggest impacts to the show
0 0
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Sayid Jarrah

20 4
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Juliet Burke

16 2
Suggested by Jonathan Fries

Charlie Pace

13 3

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