Why does Raven refer to Ocelot as Ivan in the aftermath of the tank battle in MGS1?
Top 10 Metal Gear Headscratchers
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Sakuya Tachibana
Why is it that you can't take things like weapons and uniforms from defeated enemies?
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Sakuya Tachibana
In light of what was revealed in Portable Ops I have to ask if Ocelot is either a Patriot spy or a member of the Patriots leadership?
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Sakuya Tachibana
What were they thinking the patriots for placing George Sears as president?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Why is it that Solid and Liquid look absolutely nothing alike, considering that they are clones?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Why do Solidus and Big Boss, in MGS4 look and sound so different from Snake, considering Big Boss looked and sounded identical to him in MGS3 and Portable Ops?
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Sakuya Tachibana
What makes a Metal Gear better than a nuclear-armed submarine, outside of Rule of Cool?
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Sakuya Tachibana
So, what sort of rank is the title of Boss equivalent to?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Did Big Boss give Solid, Liquid and Solidus their codenames?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Is Metal Gear Rex both technologically feasible and practical?