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Leo Lazar Jakšić
Leo Lazar Jakšić

Top 10 Most Hated Movie Characters that aren't Villains

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Leo Lazar Jakšić
Suggested by Leo Lazar Jakšić

Jar Jar Bings - Star Wars prequel trilogy

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Top 10 Most Hated Movie Characters that aren't Villains

Play Trivia Top 10 Most Hated Movie Characters that aren't Villains
Leo Lazar Jakšić
Suggested by Leo Lazar Jakšić

Bella Swan - Twilight Saga

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Leo Lazar Jakšić
Suggested by Leo Lazar Jakšić

Robin - Batman & Robin

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Leo Lazar Jakšić
Suggested by Leo Lazar Jakšić

Ruby Rhod - The Fifth Element

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Leo Lazar Jakšić
Suggested by Leo Lazar Jakšić

Skids & Mudflap - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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