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Top 10 Most Shocking Moments in Game of Thrones

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

The Purple Wedding

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Top 10 Most Shocking Moments in Game of Thrones

Play Trivia Top 10 Most Shocking Moments in Game of Thrones
Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

The Red Wedding

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Daenery's dragon eggs hatch.

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Oberyn Martell's Death

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Ned Stark's beheading

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Tyrion's revenge

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Drogo "crowns" Visery

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Battle of Blackwater Bay

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Theon Greyjoy captures Winterfell

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Suggested by LadyAmaltha91

Littlefinger pushes Lysa out the Moon Door

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