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Top 10 Most-Wanted Doctor Who Christmas Specials

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Scooby-Doo and The Krampus

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Top 10 Most-Wanted Doctor Who Christmas Specials

Play Trivia Top 10 Most-Wanted Doctor Who Christmas Specials
Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

The World of Fairy Tales

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Variation of Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Star Wars Crossover

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Hallmark Movie Parody

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

A Non Sci-Fi Present-Day Earth Episode

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Return of a Classic Series Companion

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

The DCTV Univeerse

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Meeting Sherlock Holmes

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Suggested by kalvin.goodlaxson

Episode featuring the Ice Warriors

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