Also, even with a ramp, a 1988 Dodge Aries (K car) going nearly 50mph, which is a nearly unattainable speed for this vehicle without going downhill with the wind at your back, will still barely clear ten feet. I know this as fact
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Sleep Stranger
Traffic is non-existent or easily averted
Sleep Stranger
8 years ago Report
Or do car chases only happen outside of rush hour and no one gets into a fender bender for the occasion?
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Sleep Stranger
Cars always have a full tank of fuel because no real human being ever runs on less than a quarter tank, right?
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Sleep Stranger
Shooting a tire from directly behind or in front of a car is decidedly easy
Sleep Stranger
8 years ago Report
It is not, actually
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Sleep Stranger
Cars are often fairly evenly matched and almost never underpowered (though if there is a weak car it still keeps up somehow. Smart car chase?)
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Sleep Stranger
If the police aren't part of the chase they seldom become a part as it continues
Sleep Stranger
8 years ago Report
No one calls 911 and says "there's a half dozen hotrods and a couple limos shooting at each other, and one just jumped over the neighbours pool. Can you send someone, please?"