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Josh Sinclair

Top 10 Movie Plot Twists Everybody Knows

4 1
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

It was Earth All Along- Planet of the Apes

1 0

Top 10 Movie Plot Twists Everybody Knows

Play Trivia Top 10 Movie Plot Twists Everybody Knows
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Darth Vader is Luke's Father- Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Soylent Green is People- Soylent Green

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Dil is a Man- The Crying Game

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Norman Bates is the Killer- Psycho

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Angela is a Boy- Sleepaway Camp

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Rosebud is a Sled- Citizen Kane

1 0
Suggested by Josh Sinclair

Dr. Crowe Was Death the Whole Time- The Sixth Sense

1 0

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