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Top 10 Movie Vigilante Cliché

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Suggested by governmentfree

Finishing Off the Main Antagonist

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Top 10 Movie Vigilante Cliché

Play Trivia Top 10 Movie Vigilante Cliché
Suggested by governmentfree

Multiple Deaths

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Suggested by governmentfree

Fighting Against the Thugs

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Suggested by governmentfree

Torturing Interrogations

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Suggested by governmentfree

Criminals Responsible for Ruining the Heroes' Lives

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Suggested by governmentfree

Loved Ones Either Hospitalized or Killed

0 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Judging Who Lives and Dies

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Suggested by governmentfree

Armed and Extremely Dangerous

0 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Training to Be Prepared

0 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Don't Ask the Police for Help

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