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Risk Gambler

Top 10 Movies That Bombed So Hard They Bankrupted Studios

39 1
Suggested by Risk Gambler

Cutthroat Island

22 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Only made an estimated $10m on an estimated $98m, Carolco Pictures filed for bankruptcy a month prior to the film's release.
3 0

Top 10 Movies That Bombed So Hard They Bankrupted Studios

Play Trivia Top 10 Movies That Bombed So Hard They Bankrupted Studios
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Battlefield Earth

23 1
Suggested by Risk Gambler

The Golden Compass

22 1
Suggested by Risk Gambler

Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

16 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $85.1m on an estimated budget of $137m, this cause the delay of the merger of Square Enix.
3 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Titan A.E.

17 1
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $36.8m on an estimated range from $75m to $90m, 20th Century Fox closed down Fox Animation Studios as a result.
3 0
Suggested by FastTquick

The Ant Bully

14 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
US Domestic Gross was just over $28m.
2 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Heaven's Gate

13 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $3.5m on an estimated budget of $44m, resulted in United Artists to be put up for sale by Transamerica.
2 0
Jamie Murphy
Suggested by Jamie Murphy

Mars Needs Moms

13 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $39m on an estimated budget of $150m, Disney closed 'ImageMovers Digital', a joint venture between Disney and ImageWorks, as a result.
2 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Raise the Titanic

11 0
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $7m on an estimated budget of $40m, resulted in ITC Entertainment to be folded into Universal Pictures.
2 0
Suggested by Risk Gambler

The Rocker

11 1
Jamie Murphy
Jamie Murphy 5 years ago Report
Made $8.8m on an estimated budget of $15m, 20th Century Fox closed down Fox Atomic a year after the film's release.
2 0

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