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Top 10 Psychological Thriller Movie Plot Twists

16 3
Jacob Koopmann
Suggested by Jacob Koopmann

Teddy Daniels was a former patient on the island all along!- Shutter Island

3 0

Top 10 Psychological Thriller Movie Plot Twists

Play Trivia Top 10 Psychological Thriller Movie Plot Twists
Suggested by Jedimperial96

Bruce Willis was a Ghost - The Sixth Sense

1 0
Raymond Leduc
Raymond Leduc 5 years ago Report
More of a supernatural horror
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Raymond Leduc
Suggested by Raymond Leduc

Jacob died in Vietnam- Jacob's Ladder

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Amy faked her murder - Gone Girl

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Leonard killed his wife - Memento

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Simon is the bad guy - The Gift

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Holly Jones is the kidnapper - Prisoners

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Head in the box - Seven

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Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Aaron faked his split personality - Primal Fear

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Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

Tracy and Jed are working together - Malice

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