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Top 10 Questions X-Men: Days Of Future Past Must Answer

10 5
Suggested by jwiking62

Does This Mean X3 Doesn't Count?

5 0
Cam Gold 9 years ago Report
Well, only the parts involving the Dark Phoenix, such as Jean and Scott's death.
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Top 10 Questions X-Men: Days Of Future Past Must Answer

Play Trivia Top 10 Questions X-Men: Days Of Future Past Must Answer
Suggested by jwiking62

What's Sabertooth's Story?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

Is The Cure Permanent?

4 0
Cam Gold 9 years ago Report
Obviously not, as Magneto's came back fully.
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Suggested by jwiking62

How Could Mystique Try To Kill Xavier?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

Where Are The Other Mutants?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

Who Really Created Cerebro?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

How Did Beast Become Furry?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

What Happened To The Professor's First Students?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

When Did The Professor (Really) Become Crippled?

4 0
Suggested by jwiking62

How Did Professor X & Magneto Get To Be So Old?

4 0

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