With all this time, the fan appeal has only aged like a fine red-wine, and Joss will know exactly what to do to make it work.
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James Marsters can still pull it off.
8 years ago Report
Have you seen James Marsters recently...? The lad hasn't aged a day in all this time since the Angel series finale! So production time needed to make him seem younger than he is would be a virtual non-existance.
As well potential MCU stars such as Scarlett Johannsen, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, and Samuel L Jackson. Potentially even a returning spot Angel alumnus, Jeremy Renner.
Not to mention, with all the contemporary themes of American and global culture heading to where they've headed, it's never an idea for a show that's not relative and worth exploring.
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Buffy started the trend, and it's still strong and alive.
Buffy's fandom is one of the most radical of all time, and with Spike as their most highly demanded characters to see at conventions, in related media, etc, you can only write an instant success with him.
As if that wasn't good enough, thanks to James Msrsters' Torchwood connections, creator of the show and Buffy fan Russel T. Davies would be a man who would be all too happy to come and work for the company that would bring Spike back!
Nowadays, it seems we need to return to the dawn of a new age in Television in order to see ourselves see it keep progressing. As there's still yet to be a show that can match what the Buffyverse has achieved, and our world still calls for it.