It's been over 30 years since Return of the Jedi and Luke must of made some mistakes and gone through tough times so Rian Johnson made a point that not everyone is perfect and Luke's mistakes led him to being who he was in The Last Jedi.
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Anah Syeda Ahmed
Rey's storyline revolved around Kylo instead of herself
The dude the the dud
6 years ago Report
No it doesn't.
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Anah Syeda Ahmed
Poe vs. Holdo
The dude the the dud
6 years ago Report
Holdo didn't tell Poe her plan because he was demoted by Leia because they lost a lot of ships because of his readnought plan. Poe is a hot headed character so he was angry at Holdo.
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Holdo's Undeserved Sacrifice
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Leia's magical powers
Marcus Kyle Cotton
6 years ago Report
Return of the Jedi established that Leia was force-sensitive. She still has a strong connection to the force, even if she never became a Jedi. This film finally addressed that concept.