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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster

Top 10 Sharon Tate Performances

7 0
Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Freya Carlson - The Wrecking Crew (1968)

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Jim Vaccarella
Jim Vaccarella 5 years ago Report
Sharon & 1
0 0

Top 10 Sharon Tate Performances

Play Trivia Top 10 Sharon Tate Performances
Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Odile de Caray - Eye of the Devil (1966)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
"Eye of the Devil" is a 1966 British mystery/horror film with occult and supernatural themes directed by J. Lee Thompson and starring Deborah Kerr, David Niven and Sharon Tate.
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Janet Trego - The Beverly Hillbillies [TV Series] (1963-1965)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
Tate made her appearances over the course of three separate seasons. From Season 2 to Season 4.
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Jennifer North - Valley of the Dolls (1967)

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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Sarah Shagal - The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967)

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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Malibu - Don't Make Waves (1967)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
MGM mounted an extensive publicity campaign upon its release, in which the attention was based primarily on Tate and her character.
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Pat - 12 + 1 (aka The Thirteen Chairs) (1969)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
Upon its U.S. release it was widely panned by critics and audiences alike.
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Telephone Operator - Mr. Ed [TV Series] (1963)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
Tate had already made an 'uncredited' appearance in an earlier episode of "Mr. Ed", prior to her role as a Telephone Operator. She appeared in Season 4, Episode 4: "Ed Discovers America", which originally aired on October 13, 1963. She is listed only as a Girl.
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Therapist - The Man from U.N.C.L.E. [TV Series] (1965)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
Tate's one and only appearance on the set of "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.".
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Travis Lancaster
Suggested by Travis Lancaster

Patrician in Arena - Barabbas (1961)

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Travis Lancaster
Travis Lancaster 6 years ago Report
Tate's character is an unnamed noblewoman, who is most likely a member of the hereditary aristocracy of ancient Rome.
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