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Emmanuel Dunk
Emmanuel Dunk

Top 10 Short Film Characters

4 1
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Luxo Jr. - Luxo Jr.

0 0

Top 10 Short Film Characters

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Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Wallace and Gromit - Wallace and Gromit

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Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Gerald/Geraldine - Geraldine

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Vincent Malloy - Vincent

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Mr. Johnson - The Cat Came Back

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Klaus - Forklift Driver Klaus - The First Day on the Job

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Terence Weller - Work Experience

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Peter - Election Night

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Trevor - Trevor

0 0
Emmanuel Dunk
Suggested by Emmanuel Dunk

Pam - A Girl's Own Story

0 0

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