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Top 10 Supernatural Serial Killers in Movies

21 6
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

Freddy Krueger - A Nightmare on Elm Street

13 0

Top 10 Supernatural Serial Killers in Movies

Play Trivia Top 10 Supernatural Serial Killers in Movies
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

Jason - Friday the 13th

11 0
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

Michael Myers - Halloween

9 0
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

It - It Follows

8 0
Suggested by MinkaBunny

Chucky - Child's Play

8 0
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

Samara Morgan - The Ring

7 0
Suggested by governmentfree

Pinhead - Hellraiser

7 1
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH

Candyman - Candyman

6 0
Suggested by mattwatchmojo

Kayako and Toshio - The Grudge

4 0
Leo Logan
Suggested by Leo Logan

Horace Pinker - Shocker

4 0

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