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Coby Allen
Coby Allen

Top 10 Sylvester Stallone quotes

14 4
Suggested by Alton007

So much for the seashells - Demolition Man

4 0

Top 10 Sylvester Stallone quotes

Play Trivia Top 10 Sylvester Stallone quotes
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen


3 0
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen

I am the Law!-Judge Dredd

3 0
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen

You're the disease, and I'm cure-Cobra

3 0
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen

How hard you can get hit-Rocky Balboa (2006)

3 0
Suggested by Alton007

Phoenix! - Demolition Man

3 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

Yo, Adrian! I DID IT! - Rocky II

3 0
Suggested by MikeMJPMUNCH2

He's just a man... be more a man than him. - Creed II

3 0
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen

Live For Nothing, Or Die For Something-Rambo (2008)

2 0
Coby Allen
Suggested by Coby Allen

Helicopter safety rules-Cliffhanger

2 0

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