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Top 10 Terrible Experiments Performed In The United States

35 6
Henry Patterson
Suggested by Henry Patterson

The Stanford Prison Experiment

10 1

Top 10 Terrible Experiments Performed In The United States

Play Trivia Top 10 Terrible Experiments Performed In The United States
Suggested by LyleVSXyle

The Monster Study

8 0
Suggested by Karma

MK Ultra

6 0
Henry Patterson
Suggested by Henry Patterson

The Third Wave Experiment

5 0
Suggested by urbanwatch69

Puppy Obedience Experiments

4 1
Suggested by urbanwatch69

Vanderbilt University's Radioactive Iron

5 2
Suggested by urbanwatch69

Measuring A Dying Man's Fear

4 1
Suggested by LyleVSXyle

Bobo The Clown Experiment

4 1
Suggested by urbanwatch69

The Broken Toy Experiment

3 1
Suggested by urbanwatch69

Bacteria Testing In San Francisco

2 1

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