Fred mentioned that he is gonna be blind folded and dipped in pudding. However, there is more to Happy Tapioca than just that. We're honestly surprise this made it into the show.
Top 10 Things Only Adults Notice in Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incoprated
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
Scooby Visits the Red Room - "Stand and Deliver"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
Referred to as the “Sitting Room,” wherein a short, middle-aged man dances. For the show's intended audience, this setting is likely just weird and disorienting, but an older crowd may recognize the location as the Red Room from “Twin Peaks.”
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
A Teacher's Salary - "Beware the Beast From Below"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
When it's revealed that the villain the “Mystery Inc.” gang have been pursuing is an educator, Daphne is momentarily confused about why a teacher would resort to wrongdoing. That changes once she and her friends remember the occupation's subpar salary, though.
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
“Impure” Girls - "Grim Judgement"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
With the appearance of an undead pilgrim, Hebediah Grim attacks women for being what he considers “impure,” condemning their behavior. The only woman safe from his wrath is Velma, who he deems to be “plain” and “untempting.”
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
Referencing Rorschach - "The Night the Clown Cried"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
After spending the beginning of an episode in disguise, Velma reveals her face with this line: [“Who were you expecting, Rorschach?”]. She's of course referencing the morally complex protagonist of “Watchmen.”
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
Predicted Paula Deen's Downfall - "Web of the Dreamweaver" & "The Devouring"
A few months after that episode, famed tv chef Paula Deen was taken off the air due to a controversy regarding her admission that she had used racial slurs in a social media post.
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
“It's Not Tuesday” - "Stand and Deliver"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
Barty Blake's reply suggests he and his wife schedule their romantic moments on every Tuesday.
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
An Unhappy Marriage - "The Song of Mystery"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
When Daphne and Fred pretend to be a married couple to lure another monster into his trap, Daphne enjoys it but Fred tells her not to be happy because their married.
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
The Lament Configuration - "The Hodag of Horror"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
Sheriff Stone confiscates a 'boring' puzzle box that looks similar to the Lament Configuration from the 1987 horror film Hellraiser.
Suggested by
Jaiden VonFlatern
Taylor Lautner References - "The Night the Clown Cried" & "The Night the Clown Cried II: Tears of Doom!"
Jaiden VonFlatern
7 months ago Report
In the first three episodes, we see Daphne dating a famed actor named Baylor Hotner, who is a direct parody of Taylor Lautner, as does his role as a were-turtle in the Dusk movies which parallels Lautner's role as Jacob Black, a werewolf in the Twilight movies.