So how does that lead to the Sohma family getting the curse, and why does it mean that hugging someone else of the opposite sex cause them to transform?
Top 10 Unanswered Fruits Basket Questions
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Sakuya Tachibana
Is it ever explained why the Sohma family has the curse?
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Sakuya Tachibana
After his curse was broken, why did Momiji never try to reconnect with his family considering the major obstacle that led to his mother wiping her memory of him was now gone?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Is it ever explained why Hatsuharu turns into a cow instead of what he's supposed to be, which is, ya know, an ox?
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Sakuya Tachibana
If Yuki has such a complex over his "feminine" looks, why does he go out of his way to look like a girl?
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Sakuya Tachibana
So, why does the Dragon look like a seahorse? Does Word of God ever explain why?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Why didn't Hattori erase Momiji's memory of his mother?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Where does Kyou's bracelet go when he transforms?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Exactly how did the Sohma family get so rich if a lot of the members had the Zodiac curse?