How can Lion-O still find a reason to be the nice guy?
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Sakuya Tachibana
Why is Lion-O's life so hard?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Are Berbils cyborg-bears or machines with a fur coat?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
In "The Duelist and The Drifter", other than plot convenience why is Tygra the one hooking up the Book of Omens to the Thundertank?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
did Claudus never think to ask him where it was? Why did he bother sending Panthro and Grune to look for it?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
In episode 1, when Lion-O and Tygra stepped in to defend the two lizards, did it never occur to the angry mob that they were attacking both of their king's sons?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
How did Panthro get his Nunchuks back?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
Was the entire Thundercat race wiped out Thundara, or did they flee in the wake of destruction?
Suggested by
Sakuya Tachibana
So why, in "Song of the Petalars", does neither Lion-O nor Tygra recognize Panthro, nor he them?