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Cams Moving Sketchbo

Top 10 Unique Voices in Music

42 3
Suggested by aaortega08

Freddy mercury

22 1

Top 10 Unique Voices in Music

Play Trivia Top 10 Unique Voices in Music
Suggested by Eliasjrock

Louis armstrong

22 3
Suggested by jctoenges

Elvis Presley

16 2
Suggested by Omarius99


16 3
Suggested by mac121mr0

Michael Jackson

15 3
overthoughter8344 9 years ago Report
Michael Jackson's voice is completely noticeable but not unique. His voice can be comparable to a young Stevie Wonder.
1 0
Suggested by zendaddy621

Kurt Cobain

11 0
Suggested by Sangheili Falso

Chester Bennington

12 2
jctoenges 9 years ago Report
Good one! I always thought that he had a great singing voice, which is in contrast to some of his other nu-metal counterparts that have average singing voices and do a fair amount of screaming.
0 0
Suggested by Łukasz Żukowski

Elton John

13 3
Suggested by Łukasz Żukowski

Bob Dylan

18 8
overthoughter8344 9 years ago Report
Bob Dylan's voice may be a bit too abrasive for my ears (because he sings out of tune) but without his raspy voice resonating from him to Kurt Cobain to Lana Del Rey, pop music would never be the same without his voice.
2 0
Suggested by Cams Moving Sketchbo

Amy Winehouse

11 3

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