Top 10 Video Games That Were Originally Planned For Other Platforms
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Enemy Zero (Planned for PlayStation, Released for SEGA Saturn)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
Reason: The late Kenji Eno was so furious with Sony for not meeting pre-order demands for the PS1 port of D, he announced at a Sony conference that Enemy Zero will be an exclusive to the PlayStation's rival, SEGA Saturn.
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Army Men (Planned for Panasonic M2, Released on PC)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
Like D2, it never came to M2 because the system was cancelled. The 3DO Company went on to release the game on PC instead.
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Rayman (Planned for SNES, Released for PC, Jaguar, Saturn and PS1)
Other versions that never saw the light of day also include SEGA 32X and Panasonic 3DO
Suggested by
Gor Gevorkyan
Shenmue (Planned for Saturn, released on Dreamcast)
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
D2 (Originally Planned for Panasonic M2, Released for Dreamcast)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
Reason: The M2 never saw the light of day. Luckily, it was rebuilt from scratch for the SEGA Dreamcast, considering that WARP, founded by the late Kenji Eno, had a great relationship with SEGA after the incident at Sony.
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Kameo (Planned for Gamecube, Xbox, Released on Xbox 360)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
The reason for the switch: Rare was acquired by Microsoft
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (Planned for PS2, Releaed for Xbox)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
Reason: Oddworld teamed up with Microsoft to make it an Xbox launch title. At least it was remastered for PS3, PC, iOS, Android and Vita years later.
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
Too Human (Planned for PS1, GameCube, Released for Xbox 360)
Kamil Drews
6 years ago Report
Reason: It spent a lot of time in development hell and later on signed an exclusivity deal with Microsoft for the Xbox 360 release.
Suggested by
Kamil Drews
The Last Guardian (Originally for PS3, Released on PS4)