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Agent “tb86” Prime
Agent “tb86” Prime

Top 10 Ways The Little Mermaid TV Series Retcons The Movie

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Agent “tb86” Prime
Suggested by Agent “tb86” Prime

In the movie Ariel says she's never been this close to a human before but in the show there were times she did

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Top 10 Ways The Little Mermaid TV Series Retcons The Movie

Play Trivia Top 10 Ways The Little Mermaid TV Series Retcons The Movie
Agent “tb86” Prime
Suggested by Agent “tb86” Prime

In the movie Sebastian is shocked by the existence of Ariel's collection but in the show he's seen her collection many times

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Agent “tb86” Prime
Suggested by Agent “tb86” Prime

In the movie Ariel goes to see Ursula but in the show she's thwarted her plans from time to time

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Agent “tb86” Prime
Suggested by Agent “tb86” Prime

Though Eric didn't see Ariel's face he does recall seeing a mermaid in the show

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Agent “tb86” Prime
Suggested by Agent “tb86” Prime

The shows depicts Ursula as being abusive towards Flotsam and Jetsam whereas the movie she's pretty fond towards them

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