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Top 10 Worst decisions in history

25 1
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

Prohibition in the U.S

14 1

Top 10 Worst decisions in history

Play Trivia Top 10 Worst decisions in history
Suggested by Godslayer79

The victorious allies impose harsh terms on Germany after World War I

11 2
Godslayer79 7 years ago Report
This created the economic and political atmosphere that enabled the Nazis to come to power.
0 0
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

Titanic going at sea untested

10 3
Suggested by FastTquick

The Fourth Crusade

10 3
FastTquick 7 years ago Report
This was a Crusade against Eastern Orthodox Christians rather than the Muslims. The fighting caused so much damage to the Byzantine Empire that it couldn't recover and were conquered by the Muslim Turks centuries later.
0 0
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

Mao's Great Leap Forward

6 1
Antoine Mouthon
Suggested by Antoine Mouthon

George W. Bush invading Iraq in 2003

7 2
Suggested by Karma

The FCC Repealing Net Neutrality

6 2
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

King Leopold II of Belgium and his rush to Africa

4 2
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

Erik the Red and his ''real estate in Greenland''

3 1
Suggested by Dark_Wanderer

The Thalidomide Scandal

3 1

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