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Kai Prince

Top 10 bloodiest/goriest horror movie deaths

10 9
Suggested by Kai Prince

Cable snapping - Ghost ship

6 0

Top 10 bloodiest/goriest horror movie deaths

Play Trivia Top 10 bloodiest/goriest horror movie deaths
Henry Patterson
Suggested by Henry Patterson

Dragged into the bed- A Nightmare on Elm Street

5 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

Hair caught in the propellar - Piranha 3D

5 0
Suggested by Kai Prince

Lawnmower massacre - brain dead/ dead alive

4 0
Suggested by mac121mr0

Angel Trap - Saw III (2006)

4 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

Quint's Demise - Jaws

4 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

"Jesus Wept" - Hellraiser

4 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

Henry Rhodes death - Day of the Dead

4 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

The chestburster - Alien

4 0
Suggested by Jedimperial96

Torn to Pieces - The Green Inferno

4 0

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