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Top 10 most hated movie villains

6 2
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Michael Corleone--"The Godfather Part II"

1 0

Top 10 most hated movie villains

Play Trivia Top 10 most hated movie villains
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Warden Samuel Norton--"The Shawshank Redemption"

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Colonel William Tavington--"The Patriot"

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Mr. Potter--"It's a Wonderful Life"

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Scar--"The Lion King"

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Annie Wilkes--"Misery"

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Biff/Buford Tannen--"Back to the Future" Part I, II and III

1 0
Suggested by Spotlessmind

Umbridge - Harry Potter

1 0
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Voldemort--The "Harry Potter" Series

1 1
Suggested by MrJumpingdude

Hans Landa--"Inglorious Basterds"

0 1

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