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Adam Thorpe

Top 10 superhero villain quotes.

42 5
Suggested by mac121mr0

"You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." by Harvey Dent - The Dark Knight (2008)

29 0

Top 10 superhero villain quotes.

Play Trivia Top 10 superhero villain quotes.
Raymond Leduc
Suggested by Raymond Leduc

Why So Serious?- The Joker- The Dark Knight

25 2
Suggested by Godslayer79

Have you ever dance with the devil by the pale moonlight? - The Joker (Batman 1989)

19 1
Raymond Leduc
Suggested by Raymond Leduc

"If they cut off one head, two more shall take it's place, Hail Hydra!" (Red Skull)- Captain America: The First Avenger

14 0
Suggested by CodyHiginbotham

"I was wondering what would break you first. Your spirit...OR YOUR BODY" - Bane - The Dark Knight Rises

14 1
Suggested by Godslayer79

you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man" - Bane (The Dark Knight Rises)

11 0
Suggested by Adam Thorpe

"I am burdened with glorious purpose" Loki, The Avengers

12 2
Suggested by Adam Thorpe

"Madness is like Gravity, all it takes is just a little push" Joker, The dark knight

7 1
Suggested by mac121mr0

"How does it feel, Wayne? To stand on the very stone that ran with your parents' blood? Do you feel sad? Full of rage? Or does that outfit help bury your feelings? Hiding your true self. You're truly

7 2
mac121mr0 8 years ago Report
- truly an extraordinary specimen... I look forward to breaking you." - Batman: Arkham City (2011) [Video Game]
0 0
Suggested by Adam Thorpe

"Let's bring on the fear, let's bring on the noise" Bullseye, Daredevil

5 1

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