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Top 10 surprisingly good things Cartman has done.

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Brought Disneyland to Romper - Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000

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Top 10 surprisingly good things Cartman has done.

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Rescued hostages at the Red Cross - The Death of Eric Cartman

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Lead Osama Bin Laden into getting shot by an American soldier - Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Destroy the star projector & erasing Dr. Adams' mind - Roger Ebert Should Lay Off The Fatty Foods

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Formed a plan & convince the other boys to stop the World of Warcraft griefer - Make Love, Not Warcraft

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Kept the veal safe with his "breaking my balls" negotiation - Fun With Veal

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mxcorp73 7 years ago Report
The negotiation process stopped the truck, but the changing of veal to the term "tortured baby cow" which hurt the market.
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Suggested by mxcorp73

Convinced a woman to back out of an abortion at a hospital - (forgot the episode)

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mxcorp73 7 years ago Report
I'm pretty sure it's a season 6 episode. He's in a hospital and yells "Get out of my body you (something something!)", after a couple enters the door near him. The woman cries and says she wants to have this baby. The guy cusses and says "Thanks a lot, kid!"
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Suggested by mxcorp73

Led some construction workers to save the choir from the Yanagapa - Rainforest Schmainforest

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Let the other boys put teeth under his pillow for the generous 'tooth fairy' so they can all buy a Sega Dreamcast - The Tooth Fairy's Tats 2000

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Suggested by mxcorp73

Went undercover to bust a man for soliciting prostitution - Chickenlover

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