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Top 10 worst Film Adaptations of Books

16 1
Suggested by MetroidAssassin

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Theif

8 1

Top 10 worst Film Adaptations of Books

Play Trivia Top 10 worst Film Adaptations of Books
Suggested by Micheal JCaboose

Battlefield Earth

8 1
Suggested by TimeQueenOfRome

Twilight franchise

7 1
Suggested by Justin Kennon

The Golden Compass

4 2
Suggested by mikelane84

The Count of Monte Cristo

1 1
Suggested by Anonymous

The Wiz (1978)

1 1
Suggested by mikelane84

Starship Troopers

0 2
Suggested by Justin Kennon

Hunger Games

2 8
Suggested by TheMightyBeast123

Harry Potter Franchise

0 7

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