Granted, they weren't going for something fearful, but this sasquatch junior design just doesn't work on any level. The main character isn't even the worst werewolf in the film... look at his dad. Oof.
Top 10 worst looking werewolves
Suggested by
Tom Martin
Silver Bullet
Tom Martin
8 years ago Report
I think this is a great werewolf movie, but man, that design isn't successful. It's a credit to the film that they kept the monster in the shadows most of the time.
Suggested by
Tom Martin
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Tom Martin
8 years ago Report
I love Buffy, but man, Oz the werewolf (after that first appearance, where they changed him to look like a tiny caveman) was just the worst moment in all of werewolves.
Suggested by
Tom Martin
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Suggested by
Tom Martin
Howling III
Suggested by
Tom Martin
Tom Martin
8 years ago Report
I don't think the werewolves of Cursed are designed poorly, but man, CGI hasn't been good for lycanthropes.